Fox's Vampire Media Master List

What is this place?

This is a website I have dedicated to any piece of vampire media I can find. Be it a book, show or video game, it's likely to be on this list. Please note that this website is not a wiki, simply a place to find anything vampire-related if you feel the need :]


One of my main special interests since I was 7 has been vampires! I have always loved their concept(s) and have consumed any media on them when given the opportunity. So one day I decided to make a big long list containing everything vampire related I could think of or find. But eventually the list got too long, so I decided to make it into a lil website. This means that looking at it doesn't scramble up my brain.

The List

All media will be organised by type e.g. books, as seen by the links below. Each media type's page will be organised alphabetically by title, but where a series occurs a dropdown menu will be available {IN PROGRESS!}. Some franchises span multiple media types - they will still be found under their respective media. Hopefully it will make sense when you see it ^.^

Black and white photo of Bela Lugosi as Dracula

Go on, explore!

Psst! I'm still very W.I.P here, please be patient :]

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